速報APP / 攝影 / Diveshot Hero

Diveshot Hero





版本需求:Android 6.0 以上版本




Diveshot Hero(圖1)-速報App

With Diveshot Hero App, you can use your smartphone as a monitor for your GoPro. And not only, using the Housing Diveshot, but it will also be possible to control in remote the GoPro and manage the main settings, in a simple and immediate way.

Diveshot is the universal underwater housing for all Smartphones and allows you to photograph and make beautiful videos up to a depth of 60 meters.

If you prefer to use the GoPro, just place it next to the Diveshot, activate the Wi-Fi connection and open the Diveshot Hero App. You will instantly see the GoPro live view, directly on the big screen of your smartphone.

It is possible to exit to this App and use the other Apps Diveshot and Diveshot Pro, without losing the connection with the GoPro.

- Main features -

· Recording and Pause command.

· Change Mode: Video - Photo - Time-Lapse

· Change Format (4: 3 - 16: 9)

Diveshot Hero(圖2)-速報App

· Video Resolution Change (4K - 2.7K - 1080p - 720p)

· Change FPS (from 240 to 24 fps)

· Change FOV (SuperView - Wide - Linear)

· Activate / Deactivate Video Stabilization.

- Compatibility with GoPro -

· GoPro Hero 7

· GoPro Hero 6

· GoPro Hero 5

· GoPro Hero (2018)